Our Parent Voice survey is a popular way for schools to gather essential feedback from parents and carers on key aspects of school life and how they are impacting upon pupils and their families.
Using our Parent Voice survey, you will be able to provide invaluable evidence for your school’s self-evaluation process and school development planning. The surveys support and help schools prepare for both Ofsted and Estyn visits.
The standard survey questions cover pupils’ experience at school, their relationship and the parents/carers views on how the school supports them. The questions can be grouped into categories to make your results easier to digest.
Schools select or adjust the questions or add their own, although if changes are significant then there may be an additional bespoking fee. We are happy to provide advice and help you devise a survey that meets your needs.
Once we’ve helped you to devise your survey, we’ll print, deliver and collect it, then we’ll analyse your results. The results are presented in clear colourful charts, both electronically and in hard copy (for an additional cost). More importantly, your results will be with you within 7 working days.
Our Parent Voice Survey can be conducted both online and/or on paper.
Standard Survey Price From | |||||
Single Survey** | |||||
Two Surveys | |||||
Three Surveys | |||||
Additional Surveys Beyond Three | |||||
If you require Governance Self-Review Surveys, a bespoke survey or surveys for a MAT or group of schools, please contact us to discuss your needs. Discounts are also available for repeat surveys during the same school year. Paper reports are available from £50+VAT. *Prices are before VAT. They include initial consultation and design of survey, printing, sending, collection and processing if papers surveys chosen and analysis of the results. **Surveys include Pupil Voice; Parent Voice; Staff Voice; Aids and Barriers to Learning; Curriculum & Learning. ***For schools with 1300+ pupils, please contact us for a quote. |
“Just to let you know and to feedback to whoever, that the service your company have provided is excellent! I have never had such comprehensive feedback from any survey provider. I’m really impressed, it’s been worth every penny.”
“I would just like to say thank you for your speedy service. You took a weight off my mind and the end product is very professional. Thank you.”
“The inspection team were impressed by the surveys from parents and children – I shoved them in front of them! It was helpful to have the full survey as in an inspection you can’t guarantee a good turn out of parents returning questionnaires overnight. We’d had a good return when we did your survey.”
Ofsted and Surveying Parent Opinion
Inspectors have a statutory duty to have regard to the views of parents. The principal source of information that inspectors will use to access the views of parents is Parent View.
Where the response rate for Parent View is low, inspectors must take steps, during the inspection, to gather further evidence of the views of parents.
Inspectors will also have to take account of the results of any surveys carried out by or commissioned by the school. Inspectors must not come to any final conclusion on the basis of Parent View survey data alone.
The responses from Parent View will always represent a minority view and you will be in a much stronger position if you can demonstrate you have a much broader community view. Using our standard parent surveys will offer you the best way to do this cheaply and effectively.